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Our purpose is to study people’s lives in Emerging Markets to identify investible solutions to the issues they face
Our Beliefs

We believe that the biggest challenge of this century is to meet the needs of all within the means of the planet. 


By conducting ethnographic research and understanding the values, hopes, and aspirations of consumers in emerging markets, we anticipate emerging trends and identify companies with long-term growth opportunities.​

Our Philosophy in Action

We believe consumers dictate long-term trends, and that our investment methodology must engage them from the beginning. That is why, at Trinetra we have developed a Fast and Collaborative Ethnography (FACE) method that embraces the intimacy and empathy of ethnographic fieldwork while using collaboration to work faster. 

Our key skill is turning our immersions into insights that predict the trends and success stories of tomorrow.​​

We combine ethnography with in-depth financial stock analysis
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Our Team

We are a purpose-driven, 100% employee-owned firm, founded in 2016 and based in London, UK.  The Senior members of the investment team have worked together for more than 15 years and have a proven track record in capturing emerging market trends.

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Tassos Stassopoulos

Managing Partner
Chief Investment Officer

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Valli Srikanthapalan

Research Analyst

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Andy Reiss

Research Analyst

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Andreas Valanides

Research Analyst

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Oliver Crawley

Investment Specialist

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Jonathan Cheah

Research Associate

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Beatriz Urgel Esteban

Partner, Sustainability Officer
Director at Trinetra Foundation


Alejandro Porcel 

Social Research Specialist

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Stephanie Winterhagen

Chief Compliance Officer

Investing and Active Engagement

As signatories of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Engagement (PRI), we are constantly looking for engagement opportunities with our investee companies. We actively support the goals towards the global financial system's sustainability and benefits to the environment and society.

We Support 


We are supporters of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and where relevant we will regularly encourage investee companies to make appropriate disclosures.


We support the objectives of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and we explicitly map at least one sustainable attribute of each of our investee companies to one or more of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Paris Agreement

We support the goals of the UNFCCC Paris Agreement, and encourage the companies in which we invest to strive towards helping the world to meet its goals.

Proud to be a B Corp

We are committed to meeting rigorous social and environmental performance standards. Our B Impact Score of 149.2 significantly exceeds the certification threshold, demonstrating our commitment to responsible investing. 


Trinetra has been recognized as a Best for The World™ B Corp 2022, ranking among the top 5% of B Corps for impact in Governance and Customer engagement.


Trinetra Investment Management LLP
7 Stratford Place
London  W1C 1AY


+44 20 3908 8900


© 2025 - Trinetra Investment Management
Trinetra Investment Management LLP is incorporated in England and Wales under company number OC415873

with registered address at 7 Stratford Place London W1C 1AY and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Firm reference number: 772919). Trinetra Investment Management is a Registered Investment Adviser with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.  

The information displayed on this website is for eligible counterparties and professional clients only, and is not for retail clients.  The services described may not be available to you, or suitable for you. Nothing on this website or in any of the documents linked hereto constitutes investment advice, nor does it represent any offer to provide services to buy or sell securities of any kind.     


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