Emerging Market are changing fast, but while some topics and challenges might be shared with the developed world, the solutions are often starkly different. In this podcast Mike Ivatt discusses with Tassos Stassopoulos the growing importance of environmental awareness in Emerging Markets, and why EMs might be better placed to find the answers to environmental challenges. They also discuss the trends to watch in the years ahead, and where the Trinetra team will be heading for their next Immersions research visits.
Podcast Questions
What themes are you focusing on as we head into the next decade? [0:20] Raising environmental consciousness will be a huge theme in EMs. Developed countries have not solved the environmental issues but have shifted them offshore.
Have we got a solution in the developed world for plastics? [2:30] The fact that a plastic container has a sign indicating it is recyclable
What would happen if India’s per capita usage of plastics grows to the same level as that in the United States? [4:20]
Are there any other trends that we should be following into the next decade? [8:55] Middle class dissatisfaction is on the rise as economic stagnation is threatening their way of life. Governments will be required to figure out solutions to drive more equality.
In areas such as social media, American companies have often led the way. We chatted previously about TikTok, a Chinese-owned company. I hadn’t heard of TikTok at the time, but now my children are watching it and I’m discussing it with other parents, so what’s on the horizon and how do you discover what the next big thing’s going to be? [10.18]
Where is Trinetra heading next and what are you going to be looking out for? [12:20] Our next emerging study will be in India. We’ll be looking at environmental consciousness and the rise of homepreneurs (women working from home), a theme we’ve been studying for the last 3 years. [12:30]
At the beginning we talked about the environment and how you’re going to be looking into that, but what are you doing about the environment at Trinetra? [16:10] We separate what we do in the investment process [16:28] and what we do in the business [17:40].
Coming back to your outlook, what do you think are the next big surprises that are just over the horizon? [20:10]
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